Pre Order Bruce Wayne Flow Intro - The Album
Have you ever spent half your life’s work just to get 0 results?
Me: Everyday Damm Daniel day
Grailinio a music artist born and raised in London, UK is dropping a album on January 31st. Bruce Wayne Flow Volume 1 a multi genre album with compelling tracks through out and some award winning features.
You can choose options of the album by itself or with the cover artwork on a canvas and even a Bruce Wayne inspired colouring book for your kids which has nothing but cars and superhero’s/villains inside.
Even if it is 10-100 sales I am not acting like I don’t need the support and I’m going to get thousands of sales.
I could really appreciate the support not just for the money but in hope some people actually get to hear what I’ve been creating over months.
Thank You
Bruce Wayne Flow the music album Pre order today